Multiple Positions – Dedza District Council

February 2, 2025
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

Local Government Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified Malawians to
fill various vacant posts existing at Dedza District Council.

Post: Chief Planning Officer (Grade F/M3)

Salary: Within the Grade F salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Principal Planning Officers (Grade G/M4) or Principal Economists
(Grade G/M4) with a minimum of Four Years experience at that grade in Local Authorities or
Civil Service.

Post: Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer (Grade F/M3)

Salary: Within the Grade F salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Principal Nursing and Midwifery Officers (Grade G/ M4) with a
minimum of Four Years experience at that grade in the Local Authorities.

Post: Principal Environmental Health Officer (Grade G/M4)

Salary: Within the Grade G salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Environmental Health Officers (Grade H/M5) with a minimum of
Four Years experience at that grade in the Local Authorities.

Post: Medical Officer (Grade H/M5)

Salary: Within the Grade H salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Degree (MBBS)
obtained from accredited Institutions, must be registered with the Medical Council of Malawi and
must have completed the Internship Program.

Post: Clinical Officer (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) (Grade I/M6)

Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology obtained
from accredited institutions and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi.

Post: Environmental Affairs Officer (Grade I/M6)
Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management, Environmental Science and Technology or Natural Resources obtained from accredited institutions

Post: Physical Planning Officer (Grade I/M6)

Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Physical Planning Technicians (Grade J/M7) with a minimum of Four years’ experience at that grade in Local Authorities or be in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Planning, Land Administration, Land Economy, Land Management or Land Surveying and Real Estates obtained from accredited institutions.

Post: Forestry Officer (Grade I/M6)

Salary: Within the Grade I salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Assistant Forestry Officers (Grade J/M7) with a minimum of
Four Years experience at that grade in the Local Authorities or be in possession of a Bachelor of
Forestry and Environmental or Natural Resources obtained from accredited institutions.

Post: Radiography Technician (Grade K/M8)

Salary: Within the Grade K salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Radiography obtained from accredited institutions and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi

Post: Assistant Disaster Risk Management Officer (Grade K/M8)

Salary: Within the Grade K salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Disaster and Risk Management, Climate Change
or Environmental Management obtained from accredited institutions.

Post: Shorthand Typist (Grade K/M8)

Salary: Within the Grade K salary Segment.
Location: Dedza District Council


Applicants must be serving Senior Copy Typists (Grade L/M10) with a minimum of Four Years
experience at that post in Local Authorities or in possession of a Diploma in Secretarial Studies and
with a typing speed of 50 words per minute.

Application letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae, Copies of Certificates and National Identity Card should be sent to:

The Executive Secretary
Local Government Commission
P.O Box 766

To reach him not later than 14th February 2025.